Certification Management Services
Announcing AUTHORWise™ Test Delivery

CMS Proudly Presents AUTHORWise™ Test Delivery
- Scheduling & Registration and Test Results API
- Single sign-on via SAML 2.0 (Coming soon.)
- Real-time test results notifications
- Candidate management
- Test Delivery Insights
- GDPR compliance
- Data exports
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CMS introduces TESTWise™ for test delivery

TESTWise™ is a test delivery system that allows organizations to self-publish, deliver, and manage test administrations directly from AUTHORWise. TESTWise includes full scheduling and registration capabilities. No annual minimums and no setup fees and non-exclusivity.

TESTWise provides a wide array of proctoring options including live-web proctors and client-provided proctors for high-stakes exams, and unproctored assessment exams and practice tests.
TESTWise supports eligibility-based exams, voucher or credit card payment options.
DATAWise™, a full online data management module that provides details on individual exams and comprehensive reports on delivery results.

TESTWise provides easy integration points through API and administrative functions to enhance and extend your testing program and global presence with:
- Scheduling & Registration and Test Results API
- Single sign-on via SAML 2.0 (coming soon)
- Real-time test results notifications
- Candidate management
- Test Delivery Insights
- GDPR compliance
- Data exports
Have we piqued your interest yet?
With over 25 years in the industry, we will exceed your expectations
We build tests; valid, reliable, and legally defensible tests. Our expertise, knowledge, skills, and tools support our desire to provide you with tests that meet every demand of your program. Send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our three core business values are simplicity, ease of interaction, and priority of the customer experience and that includes quality of the outcomes.
AUTHORWise™ System Modules
Item Authoring Module
Item Authoring controls all item writing efforts with precision, efficiency, and security at multiple levels.
Item Banking Module
Item Banking meets the challenging needs of program managers and psychometricians.
Blueprint Survey Module
Blueprint Survey provides simple steps to create a test blueprint survey and to distribute the survey, track survey outcomes by bank, section, and objective, and monitor demographic question results and user comments.
Review Event Module
Review Event brings together online scheduling, alpha test administration, alpha test answer response review, linear technical reviews, and item comments and standard setting score estimate(s).
Test Delivery Module
AUTHORWise™ Test Delivery provides proctoring options, the ability to self-publish, deliver, and manage test administrations. Get test delivery insights, real-time test results, and more!
Results Management Module
AUTHORWise™ Results Management solves the challenges of examination data management for programs large and small.
AUTHORWise facilitates every activity your SMEs and managers need to achieve success on time and within budget.

Psychometrics &
Test Development
CMS builds tests – valid, reliable, and legally defensible tests. Our expertise, knowledge, skills, and tools support our desire to provide you with the quality of tests that meet every demand of your program. From global job task analyses to item development to psychometric reviews and reports, CMS stands ready to assist you with your test development and psychometric needs.
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