Item Editing


After the test items have been written, our psychometricians will perform a full psychometric review to ensure the items conform to the guidelines as taught in the Item Writing Training. In addition, a full language review will be performed to check for grammar, readability, misleading or confusing wording, and sensitivity to cultural, racial, and gender biases. Notes and recommendations for addressing issues encountered during this review will be presented to the subject matter experts during the technical review step that follows.

How is Item Editing done?

Using AUTHORWise, a CMS psychometrician has direct access to recently written test items. The psychometrician reviews items for grammar, bias, readability, wording, and other concerns. If changes needs to be made, the psychometrician creates tasks, called Action Items, that the AUTHORWise system sends to the item writer or other approved personnel to complete. The system records all completed Action Items, which then become part of the test development documentation.

What outcomes should you expect from an Item Editing service?

Outcomes from an Item Editing service normally include:

    1. Items that have been reviewed by an experienced psychometrician according to industry-accepted standards.
    2. Documentation of actions or tasks that have been completed as part of the editing process.

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